About The Blog
What's this all about? Starting a Food Allergy blog...
Hi! I'm Jel and I've been living with eczema and food allergies for over 3 decades.
Since the beginning of 2019, I've joined the throng of people sharing amazing allergy-friendly finds and delicious sounding recipes and in doing so, I stumbled upon an amazing community of people.
Everybody's struggle with their or their loved ones' allergies is unique and everyone in the #foodallergy community is just hoping to help, whether by sharing tips, finds, experiences, spreading the word or even changing legislation and it's been genuinely inspiring seeing everyone's efforts to make positive change for those with food allergies.
I started my blog and restaurant guide because after decades of navigating life with the allergies, finding new foods is one of my greatest joys and I particularly wanted to share finds here in Sydney, where our options are only really starting to grow.
And after over 30 years with severe eczema, a collection of new autoimmune issues along the way and a lot of hard work, I am often still amazed at the life I actually get to live now - experiences and foods I had long thought impossible have become amazing realities.
Many people wouldn't understand the genuine joy of something so simple as getting to go out and safely enjoy an elaborate meal or a dessert without anaphylaxis fear, or having your first ever scone or hot doughnut in your 30s.
Heck, I'm still experiencing firsts like these and it feels like my whole world has cracked right open. As my fellow Sydneysider, @allergyfoodie, put it - 'We ❤ options!' and truly, it's a real thrill actually having them, particularly after so many years.
Overall, the main thing I could hope my happy food babbles contribute is the notion that, even with all the inevitable pain, anxiety and difficulty that food allergies bring, they can bring some truly unique positives and joys into our lives.
And most importantly, they don't mean you can't enjoy a full and amazing life.
To start, I'll be putting up places I know well so the information is more reliable but I do want to test out as many places in Sydney as I can (afford, ha) so that the list is as extensive and useful for as many people as possible. If anyone has any further suggestions, they are more than welcome!
Considering how unique everyone's situation is, I think that it's safest to point out that anyone thinking of trying out anything new should do so fully aware of their health and the severity of their allergies and conditions and with full guidance from your GP and specialists. As a lot of the places I mention will have been safe for me, I'm linking my full allergy profile in case that helps. By the way, if anyone wants to talk any of the conditions listed, feel free to get in touch!
For now, cheers to anyone reading this - every time I find something new to eat, I get a bit nutty with joy and if even one person finds something on here that makes them get to experience that, it would be wonderful.
Happy Allergy Eating!