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Vale! Post #1 - WellCo Cafe, Glebe

Writer: JelJel

Vale! To those allergy-friendly places that are no longer with us. Post #1WellCo Cafe, Glebe A tribute to the place that served me my first allergy-safe brownie, along with one of the tastiest vegan green salads I've ever had and that became one of my favourite haunts till it had to go - Well Co cafe on Glebe Point Road 🙌

This place was a gem. Sure, it wasn't perfect or polished or slick. The tables and chairs were worn and the interior could be dark and pokey but what did it matter when you and your friends were huddled around a table having a good gab or listening to the jazz bands that used to play by the stairs? Simple, it just didn't.

Friends and I could sit there, chatting and nursing our sweet treats and tea for hours. If we ended up on the balcony upstairs, our sojourn was accompanied by a good breeze (if there was one) along with the buzz of traffic down on Glebe Point Road. It was a place you could really sit back and relax in. Of course, that customers had such ease of access and time seemingly didn't bode well for its longevity and mid-2018, it closed for good. From some of the posts and articles I saw at the time, it was clear I wasn't the only one enamoured by this old place and who won't soon forget its simple charm. Cheers to you, Wellco!



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